Yes! We are BACK, ladies and gentlemen! My computer is alive and kicking, punching and using every other available appendage to attack your face. Due to the covers for Thursday's Comics not being uploaded to Comic Vine yet, I am just gonna get the ball rolling by continuing The Mast's 30 Days of Comicdom!
You've waited long enough, so lets get down to it!
The Mast's 30 Days of Comicdom (Day 14): What Is Your Favourite Romance?
I know, I know. Romance? Bleugh! You have to accept, though, that romance and love are both a huge part of life and, as a result, almost all stories that are born out of that. Human and non-human alike, we've all felt love for whatever reason and that's why I thought this section would be interesting. Therefore, my favourite romance is...
Daredevil & Elektra.
Frank Miller once said, "Is there anything more insipid than seeing a superhero love scene, and then in the end it's just a guy who looks like us, in bed, naked?"
What Miller aimed to do with Elektra and Daredevil, in the space of time that he had her alive for anyway, was create a very tense, anti-relationship. These were two people who were only really in love according to some people, it was definitely more on Matt's end than the other. On top of that, they had the most tumultuous of times. Again, to quote Miller, "Why would there be a Lois Lane to Superman? Why wouldn't be running around with Wonder Woman? She could match him. Why aren't these people as grand and operatic in their love-making as they are in combat? These people need to be bringing down buildings with their passion."
Elektra was Matt's university sweetheart. Inevitably, she took off to pursue the life we know her to be living now, for various reasons, and Matt was understandably cut up. He DID move on, all until that fateful day when she was hired to kill Daredevil (Daredevil #168, I believe), unaware of who he was. Matt? Matt knew, Matt caught a whiff of her smell and might as well have been rendered catatonic. It was a tremendous piece of writing, dialogue and relatable material that shows how anyone can be brought to their knees by the whim of a heart.
To this day, he still dreams about her, as evidenced here:

So, why these two? Matt is deeply in love with Elektra, or at least he was, and she was definitely into him. We all know the story, though. Right? We've all been there, on either her end or his. You either love someone so much, but can't be with them because they want to pursue something you can't support, or you're the one pursuing that thing.
Elektra is sexy, she's an incredibly useful character and whenever she shows up in Daredevil, fans generally grin wider than the Cheshire Cat. However, she is, undeniably, a very bad person. Sure, she feels bad about being bad, but she IS bad. She has a Marvel Universe kill count second only to Wolverine, maybe. She commits murder with all the consideration or taking a piss in the morning, and Matt has never been able to handle that.
The torture of those two being inevitably drawn to one another is so painful, but it's a car crash you can't avoid watching.
Now, she's showing up in Shadowland with almost a quiet pride in seeing the fact that Matt has been possessed by The Beast (The Hand's ancient master, the whole purpose of Matt's corruption. See Shadowland #3, which came out during The Great Compufail of 2010, hence lack of review), and is now a dark, demonically motivated figure. What's her real intention? Who knows? That's another great element.
We've known the character, as Matt has, for SO long...and yet she's as unreadable as a book written by Christopher Reeve.
It's all these elements combining that make the connection between Daredevil and Elektra my favourite romance (If you can call it that).
That's about all I've got today. I will TRY to get Thursday's Comics up as soon as the cover art images are uploaded. Nothing much happened last week, so I can recap this week.
Regarding the above post, it's something I'd love to get your opinions on too, so drop me a comment. Anyone is welcome to comment, so long as it's constructive. Constructively negative OR positive, just be constructive or you simply won't have the comment approved.
That includes any 40 year old, sad, pathetic men out there who may be stalking this page and my appearances on YouTube. All of this despite maintaining for many years that The Mast really isn't someone they care about. Regardless, I love my fans.
Until next time, peace.
-The Mast
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