Before I continue with my Daredevil Month tomorrow, I wanted to update you all on some truly pleasing developments.
First, if you haven't read Thursday's Comics or my review of Iron Man 2, what's your problem? Why are you being a douchebag? Secondly, on the topic of Marvel movies, I wanted to talk about Thor. I spoke about Thor in one of my very first posts, and today I have reason to do so again.
I was not sure that Chris Hemsworth would look the part. He did NOT strike me as someone who looked like Thor, or could convey the appropriate amount of au-Thor-ity (Oh yes, I did). You may have seen him, for about...five minutes, as Cap'n Kirk's father in the newest Star Trek movie. Now, it remains to be seen how well the dude can act as Thor. Kenneth Brannagh is a Shakespearean stage actor, so I don't believe he'd cast scrubs in a movie he is directing.
My point is, what does he LOOK like? That is when things seem real, that's when you get a sense of excitement or disappointment. So, let's take a look at the first picture of Hemsworth as Thor...after we see the way he SHOULD look!
The mighty Thor; Avenger, slayer of frost giants, guardian of Midgard, god of thunder.
Can you say, "Fucking yes"?
I can. I'm in such an awkward position! Iron Man was so amazing, but I went into that expecting it to blow chunks. It was the resurrection of Marvel movies. Since then, they've made The Incredible Hulk AND Iron Man 2, both fantastic. I can't force myself to go into Thor next May (April for us, most likely) with low expectations. I have three film's worth of satisfaction to back that up. I'm afraid I'll be disappointed if it's not on the level, especially with The Avengers riding on Hemsworth being good as Thor.
Back on topic, how awesome does he look? I mean, he doesn't wear armoud and the armour he has on there DOES looks a little plastic, but that's just one promo shot. I do think it looks better with the silver disc-things being used as a cape holder, but regardless, I think Hemsworth looks the shit. I'm waiting on a full shot of him with the helmet, the blonde hair properly showing and, of course, Mjolnir. Aside from that, how about it?
Nobody really figured Heath Ledger to turn in the role he did until we saw those first promo/set shots of him as The Joker.
A promising start!
That's about it for today, but I figured this was worthy of an update.
Until next time, peace.
-The Mast