Welcome to the Mast, I'm your host. My name's The Mast. I don't have a middle name, though it'd probably be "Awesome". The Awesome Mast. Yep.
Anyway, thanks for joining me for another edition of Thursday's Comics.
As Siege winds down, the tie-ins become less and less relevant, but still very enjoyable. As The New Avengers is ending in two issues time (Well, one issue and a special), I suppose these books could be considered filler. It's nevertheless a great series and I've enjoyed it very much.
The point is, these reviews may not be massively in depth because there are no longer any new arcs, just Siege tie-ins.
Still, this week was a pleasing week for comics and I think you'll find something you like, or at least enjoy reading it.
Haunt #6.
With the first story over and done with, Haunt #6 comes at us as a very handy and interesting recap of prior events. I suppose this is so newer, interested fans can get on board fairly easily and that's an admirable trait.
Not forgetting that there are regular readers who'll buy this book, the recap is actually told from the point of view of Mirage. For the uninitiated, Mirage is the woman Kurt Kilgore was gonna leave his wife, Amanda, for. This issue picks up nicely as they're planning to run away together, continues throughout Mirage's actions during and after Kurt's murder. She's eventually seen leaving a photo of Kurt by Amanda's bed in apology for everything that's happened.
I'm really looking forward to the next arc of this series, seriously. If you find this series interesting, grab the first trade paperback.
Things look like they're going to start getting heavily supernatural and with a lot more villains along the lines of Haunt.
Don't miss this.
Prelude to Deadpool Corps #3 of 4.
As you'd know from my reviews, this mini-series sees our favourite crimson-clad criminal anti-hero universe hopping at the request of an unknown universal entity, for an unknown (To the reader) purpose, recruiting a team of alternate universe versions of himself.
This time it's Headpool and it's quite funny and quite awesome. This is honestly one of the most fun and enjoyable Deadpool comics I've read in ages. Headpool is retrieved from a boat and used as a collectable by a hunter and his crew of pirates on a deserted island. Oddly, they're the same pirates from Deadpool #14, so I'm guessing this is set in the main universe.
Not only does it have some funny lines, but it has some truly brutally comedic violence. Deadpool shoots, stabs and maims his opponents in order to get to his body-less compadre. He even breaks some old, fat guy's neck! It's really pretty lethal and lethality is what Deadpool has been SORELY missing.
Is Gischler finally on the edge of giving us the Deadpool comic we've been dying for? Let's hope so! With each passing issue of Prelude to Deadpool Corps I am awaiting Deadpool Corps #1 even more!
I STILL want some more violence, some sardonic/corrosive wit and some more serious storylines, as well as the death of his head voices. Aside from that, Gischler has been a blessing.
Deadpool #21.
I've been wondering where Daniel Way is taking this story, because it showed promise.
The Hit-Monkey story comes to a close and without much achieved. That said, it's still an improvement over the abominable issues that were #13 onward until #19. The issue starts with Deadpool being studied/inspected by Reed Richards, with Spidey in attendance. Not much really happens in this issue besides Deadpool trying to hunt down Hit-Monkey and take him out.
There is a genuinely hilarious part at the beginning where Deadpool is trying to shoot his guns with his feet, a-la Hit-Monkey and it results in him shooting his feet off, or toes. I liked that.
The art is wonderful, Barberi really does a great job with the flat, yet rounded and robust style he uses. To date, he draws one of my favourite Deadpools. The writing just needs to be better. Get Gischler on it, seriously, Marvel.
The way this issue ends is kinda interesting, actually. Deadpool's in jail and Spidey busts him out, only to tell him to get the Hell out of New York. They get into a debate about how Deadpool says he wants to be the good guy and such. Spidey tries to explain that he doesn't want to be a hero, he wants to be loved for being the hero and that it's not the same. Deadpool says it is, smirks and the issue ends.
I want his main series to be his BEST series, it's just...not happening. I'm curious where it's going, though. I'm especially curious if, with ever decreasing sales, they'll end up entirely cancelling Deadpool rather than finding someone great to write him.
This is a make-or-break year for Deadpool, guys. Let's pull for my boy, because I love him to death. Deadpool's my heart.
Thor #608
This is what I meant about things getting kind of filler-ish. Thor's series seems to cover the Siege arc by saying: "Ok, here are loads of Asgardians fighting. Siege is happening.".
The main focal point of this story is Volstagg's showdown with the Thor clone, Ragnarok. There's honestly not much to the issue besides that, really. The art, courtesy of Billy Tan, is solid as ever and Kieron Gillen clearly writes a good Thor. I just feel like he got on the trolley at an inopportune time, really. He came on after J. Michael Straczynski's AMAZING run and Matt Fraction is taking over after Siege.
It ends with Volstagg giving as good as he gets, ultimately being over-powered and seeing Asgard fall as Sentry flies right through it (See my Siege #3 review). When Ragnarok says that the "false Asgard" will fall, Volstagg says he fears it may be true.
I'm not sure I'll be following Thor after Siege. It may be a trade thing for me, but that remains to be seen.
The New Avengers #63.
I'm not about romance or love in my comics, simply because I never feel it's done to its potential. With that said, one of my favourite elements of The New Avengers is Luke Cage's dynamic with his wife, Jessica Jones-Cage. I really, really love the way they interact and the way Bendis writes them, especially in this issue.
It's one reason I'm so excited for the second volume of The New Avengers, because they're both on the team (She's becoming Jewel again).
This issue has a partly set around the time of Siege #2 and during Siege #3.
With all the variations of the Avengers converged on Asgard, the gigantic battle is covered and inter-cut with pre-battle conversations with some of the characters. The Cage family are seen discussing what's going to happen during or after this battle, the future etc. Ronin and Mockingbird are seen doing the same. It's a very love/bondship based issue that weighs heavily on the premise of the future being bright.
It actually works SO well. Like I keep saying, the way we're heading into this Heroic Age is pinpoint so far. It truly feels like the heroes are breaking through a thick, black raincloud and looking for a ray of sunshine. Naturally, the brighter the day, the darker the nights...so it's not ALL gonna be gravy.
This issue is, again, kind of filler-ish. I just can't be mad at it, though. It's an issue and a special away from ending and it's still enjoyable.
I wish Immonen was staying on it, though. I hope he's on at least ONE of the new series', but we'll see.
There are SO many trade paperbacks of The New Avengers, with a couple more to be released before the whole collection is available. With that said, I cannot recommend this series enough. Buy the first one, just the first one. If you like it, buy the next one. If you don't, take it back and get a refund. Just...please try this series out.
Now, what's coming up on Welcome to the Mast? Some very, VERY nice editions of The Mast Looks Back, one of which involves a comic I am SO happy to have got a hold of and one involves the next in my review of DC's essential trade paperbacks (In my opinion). Besides that, you never know what I'm gonna throw your way!
I've got a notepad file FULL of notes on my oft-referenced Daredevil post, so there's that too.
Don't you guys and girls forget about the huge event that's coming in the next month or so! The release of Iron Man 2!
Get out there on opening day, see it. See it twice. See it THREE TIMES! Let's break records.
This is also a bit of a special occasion for me because this is my 50th post!
For something that I thought I was too lazy to pursue, it has come a long, long way. I really am proud of this blog, as humble as it still is. I really didn't think I'd have the perseverance to put up long posts without any indication that people are reading it, but I do. I do because that's how you GET readers.
I'd love more comments, just to let me know who IS out there and what effect I AM having, but love is love and if you read this, thank you. 50 posts in and I've interviewed two idols of mine, one of which is a Marvel writer. I can't ask for more. Thanks for joining me on the ride.
Anyway, that's all I've got for you right now, but 2010 is a massive year for comics and Welcome to the Mast is only going to get more active! Take care, tell your friends and thanks for reading!
Until next time, peace.
-The Mast