Only four comics today, unfortunately. Well, I BOUGHT five, but one of those is Daredevil #503, and to review that I will need to do a retrospective larger then Angelina Jolie's lipgloss bill. I'll probably just start reviewing them at #504, before which I'll have done a sort of "Story So Far..." on Daredevil right now (Speaking of which, if Andrew reads this, stick Daredevil onto my subscriptions, please!).
Also, in a rare occurance, I FORGOT to buy a Deadpool appearance! In my defence, I hadn't checked The Deadpool Bugle in ages, so I missed out. It's X-Factor #200, which I'll probably get next week and may not review unless it's worth it.
So, with that said, onto the reviews!
Deadpool: Merc with a Mouth #6.
BADASS COVER! Can you say that? Say "BADASS COVER!". I'm just wondering how many more of my favourite movies they'll nail. I know they've done Jaws and Dawn of the Dead, with The Usual Suspects to be parodied next issue. Name the parody in THIS issue and get a free Deadpool comic for X-Mas!
So, after agreeing to take Headpool back to his own time by finding the portal he came from, Deadpool, Bill and Doctor Betty find themselves in, to the best I can figure, Louisiana. Wandering through the swamp they encounter Man-Thing and a bunch of Hydra agents.
A really badass looking Hydra agent says to Deadpool, basically: "We're taking the head and you're gonna die against me, one-on-one.". Deadpool swiftly hits him with a nuts shot and decapitates him. Do you see why this is my favourite Deadpool comic?
Priceless moment: Deadpool walking through the swamp and talking in the style of a Vietnam war veteran, telling the others to watch out for Charlie. I laughed, out loud. this series. I was so unsure and in fact, I was against it when I heard of a second Deadpool on-going. Now, it's my favourite of the series' that are being produced. It reads like a throwback, as I've said, to older action and exploitation movies. It's not in continuity, which is a damn shame because I want the MAIN series to rule. Regardless, I'll take what I can get.
If you can pick the first volume of this up when it gets release as a trade paperback, I HIGHLY recommend it.
Realm of Kings: Inhumans #2 of 6.
A bit of a slow issue, this one.
After The Mighty Avengers show up (One of two current good-guy Avengers groups, look it up) and help the Inhumans fight back the people trying to cause a ruckus, the Inhumans repay them with a less than thankful response.
Now that they have risen from being a rather hidden, reclusive race into beings that have taken control of their own destiny, they don't take kindly to help at all. AT ALL. The M.A. were there to allow Quicksilver to apologise for his identity being used to steal the terrigen crystals from them (His Skrull imposter during the Secret Invasion arc), but ended up helping in battle.
Queen Medusa thanks them, but tells them that if they want respect then they need to respect the work she is trying to do in running the Kree Empire now.
What she doesn't know is that there are Kree underworlders known plotting to remove them from power with a special device. This is where things start to heat up I suppose. Two major plot points begin to converge and it's going to get quite serious for the new Queen.
Besides the aforementioned plot point, we see an Inhuman space vessel venturing into The Fault (This IS a Realm of Kings tie-in, remember) in an attempt to figure out what's going on, and a revelation is made. They pick up a vocal signature on the scanner and when asked who it is, the conclusion is none other than Black Bolt! The presumed-dead King of the Inhumans and general cosmic badass powerhouse.
Is it the Black Bolt from the different timestream that we saw in Nova #31, or is it the REAL DEAL? TUNE IN NEXT TIME TO FIND OUT!
Nothing out of the ordinary here, standard Dan Abnett quality really. This IS a six issue mini-series so I won't hold it in a negative light that things haven't started up properly yet. This is looking good, though. I definitely recommend checking it out.
Captain America: Reborn #5 of 6.
Ater Civil War, Captain America (Who will be referred to as SteveCap) was assassinated, but he didn't die. Instead, the gun (Made by Dr. Doom) sent to freeze in space and time. Not all went as planned, however. The second shooter, Sharon Carter (Under the control of Red Skull) had a unexpected effect. The tachyon particles used in the gun reacted with her blood to unstick him in time, leaving him bouncing through reality and left to experience his past time and time again with no explanation or idea as to why.
Eventually, Sharon is captured by Doom and Skull who have captured SteveCap's body in connection with their original plan; to transplant the Red Skull into SteveCap's body. Eventually, SteveCap rises from the table and is revealed to be possessed by the Red Skull as planned.
If you want a more detailed synopsis, check either of the following links:
The Marvel Database's page on the series.
The Wikipedia page on the series.
This issue sees a couple of members from each Avengers team trying to take out the Red Skull as SteveCap watches from the period in time he is experiencing currently, which happens to be Nazi-fied New York City (Implying that the Nazi won the war and the Red Skull took over). After BuckyCap and Red Skull-in-SteveCap's-body fight in front of Abe Lincoln's statue, Red Skull severs BuckyCap's cybernetic hand and the last shot is of him about to decapitate BuckyCap with his own shield, all while SteveCap is screaming at him from inside his own body, unable to reach BuckyCap.
It's a VERY, VERY good...exciting series. The sad part is, it's ruined now. The series is SO late that all the other series in which the resurrected SteveCap was scheduled to appear in, have come out and spoiled it.
Again, this is a series I would highly suggest grabbing when it comes out in trade paperback form. Not least for Ed Brubaker's AMAZING writing. That guy is Marvel's best when he's on form, and he's on form here. He has transformed Captain America into a relevant icon and compelling character again. I salute him for it.
Dark Avengers #12.
This is and has always been one of my favourite on-goings, from the second it came out. This issue does nothing to dissuade this.
After surrendering to Molecule Man, Victoria Hand requests that he return everything back to how it was, restores the Dark Avengers and she won't tell anyone he is living here in secret.
This fails.
The surrender was a ruse and just as this angers Molecule Man, Sentry returns from the "dead", more powerful than ever and gets into a fight with him, telling him that he can now control ALL the molecules in his world (Whatever that means).He sends Molecule Man into throes of agony and forces him to do as he wishes before destroying him by exploding him on a molecular level. It's about time Sentry lived up to being as powerful as he's been hyped, and this was a good showing.
Osborn is slowly losing his grip and has been suffering side-effects as a result of Molecule Man poking around in his brain. He retreats to his chamber as Ms. Hand comes to check up on him, telling him and demanding him to go get his mental health checked out. He agrees, then goes back into his room. Upon the door closing, Osborn collapses to his knees and begs for someone to stop. We then see Loki appear rather viciously behind him, manipulating and torturing him somehow.
EVERYTHING is really starting to pick up right now and it's fucking AWESOME.
This is really making 2010 look SALIVATING for Marvel, it really does. Bendis doesn't have any stellar dialogue moments in this issue, but Deodato's art is some of the most solid in comics, and it's no exception here.
Additionally, keen-eyed obsessives will notice that the cover to this issue is a throwback to The Avengers #314, an old back issue. Props, Bendis.
There are still two Thursdays left in 2009, and I say roll on 2010.
My massive Deadpool and Daredevil retrospectives will NOT be up until January at least. They're massive and I'll probably start out the year with them. Deadpool is my most favourite character ever and Daredevil is up there, so be sure to check those out.
Keep a look out for that and I'll catch you all soon. Before I go...
"I've successfully privatised world peace.".
BEAUTIFUL. I think trailers show too much nowadays, and the end scene should have been saved for the movie, but I'll avoid them from now on.
Thanks for reading, guys.
Until next time, peace.
-The Mast