Originally this category was called My Favourite Royal, but I really can't think of many royals I like enough to call a favourite. Thusly, it has been edited to include this category.
As a heads-up, I'm also going to be on Direct Edition again tomorrow! Don't forget to tune in, subscribe and let people know!
On with the show!
The Mast's 30 Days of Comicdom (Day 4): Who Is Your Favourite Supporting Character?
There are so many characters that I truly love in comics that are not leading characters or characters with their own books, so this was something I thought on. I also suspect it'll prove a little controversial among comic fans. My favourite supporting character is...
Maria Hill.
I've never been entirely sure that you can separate Maria Hill as a soldier-type and Maria Hill the person, because I've never been sure which one I'm reading. Similarly, I'm not entirely sure if people dislike her so much because she's done some bad things, or if they think she's a bad character.
First appearing in The New Avengers #4, Maria Hill came to immediate prominance during Civil War. She was initially brought in to replace Nick Fury as Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. due his indiscretions during Secret War and his subsequent disappearance. Nick Fury has always been somewhat of a scoundrel, but for the most part he was trusted by the heroes. All of a sudden there's this chick in the hot seat and she's telling people like Captain America and Iron Man what to do.
She came off as quite a cocky bitch, almost antagonistic. It was seen, I suppose, as a Sarah Palin-esque development. Maria Hill had never been in a comic before The New Avengers #4 and she hadn't had a huge S.H.I.E.L.D. career.
Her first big role as a supporting character came in Civil War, acting more as a main character. As Director, she was placed in the centre of the controversy that surrounded the Stamford incident. Very much forcing and promoting the Superhero Registration Act, she quickly told all heroes and villains that you either register or pay the price with detainment and jail time. Unflinching and uncompromising, I grew to have respect for her.
The scene that did it for me was when Captain America (Steve Rogers at this point) faces her down and tells her she's wrong. Hill, ever brave and resolute, told him to his face that he could either surrender or be forced to. Captain America escaped, but it was her strength that really won me over. I mean, here stands this absolute legend, this war hero and modern superhero...and you're an upstart, got-lucky S.H.I.E.L.D. Director? You've gotta have guts to do what she did.
She went along with things that ultimately have caused major negative consequence, but I think that she's very much like Stark in that sense, you know? She wouldn't apologise for doing her job or what she feels may be the right thing for all the people of America at the time.
I think the contradiction is that she's a VERY attractive woman, but they gave her very confident qualities to go with her femininity. She's not like Victoria Hand who, serving as Osborn's aide during Dark Reign, was very womanly. Maria Hill has got the short hair, the S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform and some salty language to go with it.
Maria Hill's just the kind of woman to be like, "Yeah, I wear lip gloss and mascara to work. Problem? Don't look at me funny or I'll break your nose." I kind of dig that.
After Civil War she serves as Commander of S.H.I.E.L.D. and second-in-command to Tony Stark. When everything went to shit, she went into hiding with Stark and eventually had a sexual relationship with him. I wasn't fond of this, simply because I think it added to her strength that she was the one woman he hadn't fucked. They're not dating or all lovey-dovey, but which is why I think it wasn't worth it.
During Siege, she did one very notable thing. She showed up on the battlefield in Oklahoma with a rocket launcher and started firing it at Norman Osborn, while riding in the back of a pick-up truck. It was quite epic, but some folks didn't like it...because some don't like Maria Hill! Some even see her as a war criminal.
Currently, as well as being the main supporting character in The Invincible Iron Man, she's serving as the boss of The Avengers. Not so much as a member, of course, but I'd Steve Rogers put her and Victoria Hand as his left and right hand women. Hill oversees The Avengers and Hand is overseeing The New Avengers.
As someone without powers, I think it's always going to be hard for her to ever stake a massive claim in the Marvel Universe, but she's doing a pretty good job. Love or hate the woman, she's not going anywhere. I'm glad. I would like to see her get developed more as a character, I think there's a lot that could be done. She's very entertaining and awesome to read when written well, and that's why she's my favourite supporting character.
Thanks so much for reading, I really do appreciate it. Thanks to all the new people commenting, too! If you dig my blog, pass the link around! Tell people! If you have a site, shout me out. It's all appreciated. I'm not doing anything a million others aren't doing, but I like to think I can offer an enjoyable read regardless.
Until next time, peace.
-The Mast