Anyway, as many of you will be aware, San Diego Comic Con is happening right now. It's a place where many people gather to see what's cool in an industry they generally couldn't give a shit about most of the time. To see what I mean, check out It'sJustSomeRandomGuy's rather hilarious take on Comic Con, by way of Deadpool parody, over at HIS CHANNEL OF COURSE.
Check Random Guy's other videos, too. They're really well done and very funny. I say HIS, but he does them with his partner, known as Random Gal.
Where was I? Oh yes, Comic Con!

San Diego Comic Con is, to those who are unaware, a convention of massive proportions. It deals with comics, video games and other elements of cult culture, as well as serving as a preview board for all kinds of movies coming out. It used to be way more comic-centric, but has slowly become more and more mainstream and all-inclusive over the years. That's fine, I guess. There'll always be more cons everywhere to take its place.
Even so, Comic Con affords fans the chance to meet a lot of their favourite mainstream and independent comic workers under one roof. Stan Lee, for example, is a regular attendee.
One announcement that has got everyone fairly excited is the 2011 series, The Flash: Speed Force. Now, I am not ENTIRELY sure if Geoff Johns is penning this, but it involves Wally West AND Bart Allen. I'm looking forward to it, even though The Flash: Rebirth wasn't brilliant.
There are rumours of Nathan Fillion being cast as Ant-Man in The Avengers, which would be pretty amazing. I say they're rumours, but Joss Whedon DID announce it. The problem everyone's having is that we don't know if he was joking or not.
For me, the biggest shocker was that Marvel's controversial Red Hulk is going to join The Avengers. Red Hulk, or Rulk, has totally divided opinion. Many fans hate the character and how Jeph Loeb has portrayed him, as well as the drawn out storyline of what his identity was (Thunderbolt Ross, by the way. Like we didn't see it coming).
On the other hand, it was a tremendously well-selling series. I personally do not like that Rulk is joining. I WILL give Bendis the chance to sway me, but it's not looking good by any means. I love Bendis' work, but if The Avengers doesn't pick itself off the train tracks, I won't be able to justify it as a continual purchase.
Additionally, I was handed another dose of worrying news. I don't like to be one of those guys who imagines what might happen and then assumes that it will. The following news item does not mean anything until anything happens. I'm just more negatively suspicious than excited.
Post-Shadowland, it has been revealed that there will be a NEW "Man without Fear", whatever that means. I don't understand that, because being The Man without Fear is not a title. It's not like being a Black Panther or a Green Lantern. You don't get it handed down to you. During Civil War, I quite liked the intricate way that Danny Rand (Iron Fist) became Daredevil to help Matt out.
If it's a temporary measure or whatever, I may enjoy it. Nobody knows what it means, so I won't assume.
There have been teaser posters, yet to be seen online, of various heroes with the tagline asking, "Is *Insert Name* the new Man without Fear?". Something like that. One was Nova, which is totally ridiculous, and the other was Gambit. I don't think I need to express my opinions on Gambit being anywhere near a Daredevil comic...but I shall. He needs to be NOWHERE NEAR a Daredevil comic. Why? Because fuck Gambit. That's why.
Like I said, I dunno what the deal is. I'll wait and see. I know what I HOPE won't happen. I just really hope that Marvel do not start messing with a title like Daredevil. It may not be the biggest seller, but it has a rabidly dedicated fanbase, sells well enough and has a consistently tight set of storylines. It is NOT a comic series that is in dire need of tinkering or tweaking. It's not broken, so please, don't try to fix it. Ok, Marvel? Greaaat.
The Rocket Raccoon & Groot mini-series sounds pretty funny, and the proposed Cosmic Avengers on-going seems to be all but officially confirmed now. In general, the panels I kept up with just raised more questions than they gave answers. Usually, I steer clear of Comic Con announcements for precisely this reason. I learned my lesson.
What announcements or revelations did you like, dislike, or find interesting for whatever reason?
Something that pleased a lot of people is the announcement and presentation of one small, but simultaneously major detail regarding the Thor movie. He will have a helmet!
They also had Loki's and Odin's, but you've seen those by now. Honestly, picturing Chris Hemsworth wearing that helmet as Thor is very, VERY exciting to me. Of course, what counts is how it all looks next May, the day we all go in to see the movie.
Well, that's about all I've got in me today.
Furthermore, do remember to check out Direct Edition on YouTube! Yours truly guests on the latest review episode, which is already up, and the news episode, which'll air on Monday!
Before I leave, I want to talk aloud for a second. To anyone who reads this, feel free to leave comments and opinions, constructively negative or positive. I've noticed that, for whatever reason, I am getting a bit more attention on here. I do not particularly care if you find my blog to be a total bore and my writing to be sleep-inducing. If you have any negative criticism that I can consider, maybe to make my posts and writing more enjoyable, PLEASE, feel free to send it my way!
If all you plan to do is yell abuse then I simply won't dignify your comment with publishing. Calling me a twat and such really isn't going to help anyone. If your problem is how I do things, be constructive and I might be able to take it into consideration. Who knows? Maybe I may end up altering things so you no longer hold your negative opinions. Rabbiting on about how stupid I am isn't helpful to anyone, and it's a waste of energy. Your comment won't get published and it'll be deleted almost as soon as I see it.
I just wanted to address that once and once only. No longer will I dignify such idiocy with a response.
Until next time, peace.
-The Mast