Sunday, 18 July 2010

The Mast Blogs: The Future of Welcome to the Mast.

Somebody's poisoned the waterhole!

I want to keep this very tight and to the point, so I'll be as clear and precise as possible.

I am HIGHLY considering transfering my blog and all its posts to an actual domain. A domain I will be paying for. This will afford me the opportunity to track my readers, observe the traffic I'm getting, and hopefully get some search engine recognition. In a direct sense, it'll also allow me to properly and fully customise my page.

Now, don't get me wrong, I do love this page. It IS just Blogspot, though. There are people who probably have the same layout as I, so I'd really love one that's MINE. I've already got big ideas, so we'll see.

The point is, I don't want to do through this for nothing. Currently, I don't know how many viewers I get on average. I know a few certain folks who read it, but I really do not know if I'm getting the kind of readership that would warrant me changing. I do this because I love it, but at the same time I want to know if it's being seen or even liked.

What do those of you who read this blog actually think? Thoughts and replies in a comment, please. Also, if you like my blog, tell someone. Tell someone who might be interested even if you're not.

Anyway, thanks for reading.

Until next time, peace.

-The Mast