I am feeling somewhat better than yesterday, so I can return here and present you with the latest installment of The Mast's 30 Days of Comicdom!
Personally, I'm doing my level best to stop it becoming too Marvel-heavy, but you can only answer questions truthfully. If most of the answers pertain to Marvel, then that's the way the cookie crumbles, I suppose. Also, some of these questions are so specific that there aren't many answers you can give.
For example, this one and the next one too. I am tempted to re-write some of the questions because I don't want to screw my readers out of a post, but still. Oooh! Actually, I just had a tremendous and sneaky idea...but tune in tomorrow for that.
The Mast's 30 Days of Comicdom (Day 6): What Is Your Favourite Organisation?
Without trying to play it up too much, there were only a few choices for this category, simply because it's such a specific question. So, without further ado, my favourite organisation is...
S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't win this category because I am so fond of their comic history or anything like that (Though, that is currently shaping up to be true, what with the current series). They, as an organisation, won because I love the IDEA of what they are. Not so much how they're executed in comics.
Granted, I loved the role they played in Secret War, with Nick Fury invading a foreign country in the most controversial of ways, and being forced to go into hiding. I loved the role S.H.I.E.L.D. played in Civil War under Maria Hill, too.
That's what I love so much about the current series that explores their secret origins, or previously unrevealed origins. Showing how they became an organisation dedicated to the protection and advancement of humanity, to a corrupt organisation that was focused on power and dominance. I'm HOPING that ties into the revelation that Hydra, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s villainous rival, had been the ones secretly in control of S.H.I.E.L.D. all along.
Something about this kind of story really grabs me. I love secret histories of things, true or false. I love the idea of super-secret cells or operations that go around the world, either keeping peace or creating havoc with no one the wiser.
I suppose that's where conspiracy theory was born, coming from the idea that there's way more shit going on in this world than we'll ever know about. Of course, many conspiracy theorists also tend to spiral into immense idiocy, but if it's done right, it can be very intriguing.
S.H.I.E.L.D., or the Strategic Hazard Intervention, Espionage and Logistics Directorate, have had many a famous leader. Well, "leader". The most iconic would definitely have to be Nick Fury, and he's one that many fans favour. He was a super spy and a very astute man when it came to all things clandestine. Despite leading the world's biggest policing and peacekeeping force, he never totally seemed like the straightest arrow. This came to prominence during Secret War which ended, effectively, with him being forced into hiding for his choices.
Maria Hill, is someone that totally splits opinion. For more on her you can scroll back down to Day 4, as she was the winner of that category.
Tony Stark, Iron Man himself, was given the position of Director post-Civil War. Much to Hill's behest, but she got over it eventually.
Although technically the next leader would be Norman Osborn, he disbanded S.H.I.E.L.D. and gave us H.A.M.M.E.R. (For which the acronym is still unknown). So as of right now, the leader is, of course...
Captain Steve Rogers has not technically given S.H.I.E.L.D. its name back yet, but he is Marvel's top cop, as it were. He is in charge of everything in the same manner that Fury, Hill and Stark were. Appointed by the President of the United States himself, Rogers took this post after being convinced that Bucky could handle being Captain America.
As revealed in the current series, S.H.I.E.L.D. was once run by such people as Leonardo Da Vinci. So they're definitely not short of big names.
To be perfectly honest, I've never been a big enough fan of Fury to give you the ins and outs in a manner that someone else could. Everyone has their speciality characters, you know? So I apologise if this wasn't as mega detailed as it could be. I just like S.H.I.E.L.D. as the kind of organisation that shows up as shit is going down, and that's how you know it's serious. That's why S.H.I.E.L.D. are my favourite organisation.
Thanks again to anyone reading and enjoying this. If you haven't read and commented on my prior installments or Thursday's Comics, please do. Let me know your opinions on the printed medium we love so much. Is there something you'd like to know my thoughts on or see a post about? Ask me in comments!
If you haven't watched Direct Edition, make sure you do that, too.
Talking about all this has made me want to play Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 on the Xbox...but I can't because I need a new console! If you have a gamertag and wish to do battle over a certain game or play through M:U.A. 2 together (Which I need to do at some point), let me know in a comment.
I'll be back tomorrow with another slice of The Mast's 30 Days of Comicdom. So I'll see you then.
Until next time, peace.
-The Mast