Paradox aside, welcome!
Today's installment of The Mast's 30 Days of Comicdom is presented to you by me, The Mast. It probably won't be that deep or that amazing, but it's a fun question that nobody really needs to think too much about. A surprisingly hard category, though, considering I'd never really thought of it before!
The Mast's 30 Days of Comicdom (Day 10): What Is Your Favourite Costume?
Costumes, nowadays at least, seem to be significantly less extravagant than they were back in the day. How do you judge a costume? I opted to go for looks, practicality and how well it reflects the person and their intentions when wearing the suit.
I was going to go with Bullseye, simply because his outfit says it all. Then I was going to go with Ms. Marvel, simply because her outfit is a mixture of superhero and femininity. Simple, but memorable.
One costume, throughout comicdom, stands out as a total exhibition of character, though. Therefore, my favourite costume is...
Batman's Costume.
Many, MANY artists have drawn Batman and depicted him in different ways. So that's something I took into account when weighing up the ideas for what costume to pick.
The picture you see above is Jim Lee's take on Batman and one of the reasons I chose to pick The Dark Knight's attire above all others.
When you see Batman in that costume, or most of his costumes bar the extremely campy, ridiculous KNOW exactly what he is about. The way the cape flows, the colours, the symbol and the way the cowl is often moulded into a frown, all these things just exude the essense of what Batman is and what he represents.
As intimidating as it is sleek, and accompanied with Batman's infamous utility belt, known for carrying more gadgets than a lesbian slumber party, it's instantly recognisable. Not only that, but it is culturally known as being Batman's costume. The very symbol on his chest is legendary, even forgetting the man wearing it.
What's so captivating is that Batman is a good guy. Good guys, especially around the time Batman came out, AND for ages after, typically wore much lighter colours in order to inspire hope among a city's citizens. Batman doesn't care about being an inspirational dresser. He puts on the suit, goes out at night and threatens criminals into stopping their criminal ways. He's one of the first superhero vigilantes who actually started seeking the crime out as opposed to just waiting for it to happen.
That's why he's The Dark Knight. A shadowy figure protecting Gotham City, and his costume reflects that. A lot of people always ask why Batman has white eyes when he has the cowl on, and the same for many superhero outfits. I've always maintained that they were built in lenses that stopped bystanders or onlookers from recognising someone by their eyes.
You could be wearing a full face mask and someone you know could pin your identity on your eyes.
Besides, it gives Batman such a vacant look. An empty fury that, to sound cliche, really does strike terror into the hearts of most criminals.
Only in fully appreciating what a scary motherfucker Batman is (A character I do truly love when done right) can one truly appreciate The Joker. Look at Batman and tell me that this is someone who you would opt to terrorise and antagonise.
The is no more fitting costume, in my opinion, in the entire comic universe than Batman. Hence why it is my favourite costume.
Tomorrow's installment is where things get REALLY interesting. I predict many of you will definitely have your own take on THAT one, so I look forward to it.
Thank you very much, again, for reading.
Take care of yourselves.
Until next time, peace.
-The Mast