Welcome! Welcome to the Mast, ladies and gentlemen. Sorry for the belatedness of this post, but I was at the movies watching The Expendables.
Today we get nasty, we get into who I dislike above all else.
Do ya wanna know who it is? DO YA, PUNK?! I've been waiting to rip this dude, and Andrew should dig this also.
The Mast's 30 Days of Comicdom (Day 12): Who Is Your Least Favourite Character?
This guy needs no introduction, but I'll give him one...
Where do I start? Let's make a list!
I hate his face. I hate his pathetic, stupid, not-cool-in-any-sense accent. I hate how he manages to stand out for all the wrong reasons in ANY comic book he's in.
Can you tell I don't like Gambit?
I actually think Gambit is one of the reasons I never really enjoyed The X-Men for extended periods throughout the '90s. It's hard to put my finger on, but I hear he is consistently voted as one of the very worst characters of all time.
What is there to the guy? Honestly, if you're a Gambit fan, please tell me what draws you to the character. I really don't understand it. It's not as if I haven't tried, I have! You know what really made me hate him recently? Second Coming: Hellbound.
The New Mutants went to Limbo to rescue Magik, Gambit went with them and ended up getting possessed, then trying to kill them. Why take the douchebag in the first place?!
Grrr. NO time for Gambit, at all. This is turning into a bit of a hate post! I apologise.
My word, these recent posts have been kind of short, huh?! I guess that's why the comments have momentarily stopped. I do apologise for that, but some of these questions are real barrel-scrapers, you know?
If you haven't done so, go check out Direct Edition on YouTube!
I'm co-hosting this week. LAST week's delayed news episode will hopefully be up this weekend, and don't you DARE forget to check back on Monday. Why? FOR THE SCOTT PILGRIM NEWS SPECIAL, OF COURSE! It's also your chance to see my very FIRST, filmed, one-on-one interview with Mr. Bryan Lee O'Malley!
Again, I truly apologise for the lack of depth to some of these, but I've scouted the list and there are definitely some incredibly nice questions to run through. It IS only Day 12 after all.
Until next time, peace.
-The Mast