You know, it's a new day. You must, therefore, blatantly be aware of what that means. It means that there's a new installment of The Mast's 30 Days of Comicdom!
Once more I want to prefix this by addressing the ambiguity of the question. It WAS entitled What Is Your Favourite Movie?, so I ASSUMED this to pertain to comic book movies, but if you wish to tell me what your favourite movie is, then by all means do.
The Mast's 30 Days of Comicdom (Day 8): What Is Your Favourite Comic Book Movie?
This was very hard to choose for, simply because I wasn't what sure to go by! I know which movie I had the most exciting fun at, the one which contained the characters to which I have the greater attachment etc. I thought that'd win, but it didn't. I decided to be a little more objective and go with this...
Batman Begins.
Right now, I suppose there are scores of people screaming, "WHAT ABOUT THE DARK KNIGHT?! WHAT ABOUT IRON MAN 2?!" Let me tell you. I had the most fun at Iron Man 2 and it contains characters I enjoy more, yes. It was between the three, but there's a reason I chose this one.
I think in terms of Iron Man 2 being the best superhero movie ever, but not the best comic book movie ever. Why? Because Iron Man 2 feels like an absolutely amazing, can't-get-better superhero flick. Batman Begins and The Dark Knight feel like they break into the area of simply being astoundingly well-crafted movies that just happen to have superheroes in.
So, why Batman Begins over The Dark Knight? I love them both equally in most term, but what I appreciate is how you take a character that's been done, done terribly, and revitalise his movie franchise in a manner that not only receives fan acclaim, but undeniable critical acclaim too.
Batman Begins is the painstakingly detailed rise of, well, Batman. I LOVE the idea of Batman. I think his mythos is truly one of the greatest, even if I only enjoy the execution of him under the pen of certain writers and in few certain stories. This is one of my favourite Batman stories ever, including the comics. We all know the story. His parents are killed and he becomes a vigilante to strike fear into the hearts of those who'd make his city a cesspool of crime and decay.
What's expertly done in this film, by Christopher Nolan, is the genesis of Batman. The way he becomes Batman is SO well done and it never feels as if they're going off pace. It feels as if it's all happening seamlessly, too. It's not a case of Nolan thinking, "Ok...story, story, ACTION, story, bit of suit-making montage, STORY!" It all just feels very organic.
My favourite part about it, besides Christian Bale doing a magnificent job, is how it shows Batman as what he is. He's a man with a vision of how things can get better, his role in that and how he can act as a catalyst for it to happen and remain that way. Grant Morrison said it best when he said that, sure, Batman started as this great citizen who had a generally good idea. As time's gone on, though, he has caused trauma to those around him and tragedy awaits him at every turn. You sort of look at his life story and timeline with the thought of, "What the fuck have you been doing, Bruce?"
It really doesn't TOTALLY express that, but Batman Begins definitely does push Batman's idea of himself and what HE wants to be. It doesn't present him as someone who would've avoided being a vigilante if he could've, and just feels obliged to do it due to his parents getting offed. It presents Bruce Wayne and Batman as someone who BECAME that choice. It was a case of coming to a crossroads and instead of walking away, he CHOSE to become what he is and embraces his choice without acting like he was cursed by fate.
Also, it tapped into the one thing I loved about Batman, but never liked about Superman. Neither of them are killers, nor will they kill directly. However, Superman doesn't scare me. If he appeared, I wouldn't fear for my life as a criminal. I'd be fairly scared, but not entirely. If Batman is dangling you from a building, it doesn't fucking matter whether or not he's no killer and you know that. You are SCARED.
I mean, that scene where he is intimidating/interrogating Detective Flass by trapping his foot in a cable and lifting him up to the top of the's genius. Flass is saying things like, "I don't know anything! I swear to God!", and like an animal, Batman retorts, "SWEAR TO ME!"
Bale portrays Bruce Wayne and Batman differently. He's not just a great Bruce or Batman, he's great at both. No, I never found the voice ridiculous. I find it ridiculous when all someone does to disguise themselves is put on a suit and glasses and nobody recognises them...Clark Kent. When you're a superhero vigilante in a city where everyone knows you as Bruce Wayne, you'll cover up and act like someone else when you're doing the Batman thing. It's just sensible to me. Did he seem to ham it up in The Dark Knight? A bit. Did it matter to me? No.
Batman Begins winning this category does not specifically mean I like it more than The Dark Knight or Iron Man. They're all beloved for many reasons. I do think that there's just something about Batman, under Nolan's direction, that propels his movies beyond superhero classification. They're action thrillers with a superhero in. Me admitting Iron Man 2 is my more beloved for the characters, universe and excitement I had watching it, doesn't stop me admitting what I feel is a genuinely better MOVIE.
I don't even necessarily think Batman Begins is better or worse than The Dark Knight, but I had to pick and I don't know, it's not something easily explained. For all intents and purposes, though, Batman Begins is my favourite comic book movie.
Well, that wraps up another day for me on this marathon trek of 30 days! I hope you enjoyed it, be sure to comment and let me know what you think. Also, go read my previous one if you haven't, I didn't get to promote it much, but it IS there.
I will see you ladies and gentlemen tomorrow with another post! Stay safe.
Until next time, peace.
-The Mast
I was sure it was going to be Iron Man 2.
I've gotta say, I've seen BB and TDK about 7 times each, and they never get old. I've seen Iron Man about 4 times, same thing.
I saw IM2 the first time and was like "HOLYBBQAWESOME." Then I saw it a second time (at IMAX), and was "meh" at the non-action parts. Don't hurt me.
Yeah, this category is a tough choice and ultimately you have gotta go with your gut. I like your choice and your reasons behind it. You can stand behind this one and really say, yeah, this is it.
That's just fine, Magic. It was undoubtedly way more for comic fans that the first one.
Because it was so centred around The Avengers, you'd have to know them and be invested or I doubt it'd mean as much.
I loved it, but it definitely had R.D.J. putting more of himself into the role, which I'm undecided on. It worked, I think.
To Ryan, thank so very much! Your continued support is appreciated.
-The Mast
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