My interview with Kieron Gillen DID happen. Why isn't it here? BECAUSE SKYPE DIDN'T RECORD IT.
I am fairly busy so I'll get RIGHT onto this week's comics!
Deadpool #24.
This would have been barely tolerable as it is, but following the exceptional first issue of Deadpool: Wade Wilson's War, this is just about as intolerable as you can get.
It took a capable Deadpool writer to show Way for what he really is (On Deadpool); garbage.
New Mutants #98.
You all know where we're at by now, and you all know where I stand on Second Coming.
As we draw ever closer to its conclusion, the story shows absolute signs that it will end on a breathtaking note.
Zeb Wells nails yet another issue of New Mutants and further details the exploits of X-Force infiltrating Bastion's future headquarters. Hope decides that now is the time for her to stand up and defend the people defending her, whether she's a messiah or not.
Meanwhile, the X-Men are getting over-run by the Nimrod Sentinels. Beast leaves the sickbay to go fight, but a desperate Magneto rises from his bed and tells Hank he'll take care of the enemies.
All in all, it's a pretty terrific episode. Not much happens by means of development, but by now you all know what the plot is and I guess all that's left, really, is to nail the end.
I'm superbly excited to see how this ends.
The New Avengers #1.
I still don't get why they re-launched The New Avengers. It's still Bendis, Immonen and the same (With a few roster changes) characters.
I figured it was for The Heroic Age, but Thunderbolts didn't get re-numbered. Oh well.
This issue starts off decently, but it feels a little slow. It feels a little like the team and the members establishing their purpose are out of place. Well, more like out of purpose. With Avengers Academy, Secret Avengers AND The Avengers, I'm wondering where this roster will fit in. I'm wondering who the members will be permanently, too. I'm sick of Wolverine being on four teams. It screws up continuity, really. How is he in the future...and in New York?
It seems to revolve a lot around the mystic arts, which DOES intrigue me. Lots of Dr. Voodoo/Dr. Strange/Daimon Hellstrom badness going down. I approve. Plus, who DOESN'T love Luke and Jessica Jones-Cage? Really?
The art is gorgeous, courtesy of Immonen, and Bendis does a solid job as usual.
I had a feeling this'd be the series I'd drop, if any. I feel like this may be true. Saying that, though, I just consider it the second volume of The New Avengers. It might as well not have ended. Really, they've just given us three new Avengers titles, not four.
I'll recommend this series if it becomes worthy. As it stands, you CAN safely skip out on it.
Sorry, again, for the lack of interview and somewhat speedy edition of Thursday's Comics, guys and girls. That and the lack of posting is due to lots going on, personally. When things settle, I should be posting with more frequent regularity outside of every Thursday.
Thanks for reading, as always.
Until next time, peace.
-The Mast
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