I was trying to decide how to do this, because there were nowhere near as many comics as I thought, but still a lot. I was weighing up what matters more when having a blog; is it giving readers lots of content, or quality content?
I opted for quality. Thus, I stumbled upon a new policy. Unless it's an on-going series, I will cease to review things that I don't feel are of good quality. For example, to keep up with issue #23 of Deadpool, you need to be told what happens in this month's Deadpool #22.
One-shots don't really need reviewing unless they're good or they add something to proceedings.
With that said, here is a combination of last Thursday's comics and this Thursday's comics!
Deadpool: Merc with a Mouth #10
Just when I thought Deadpool might be having a little bit of a quality resurrection, there's a two doses of shit over a couple of weeks.
Having already been cancelled three issues from now, I really find it hard to even invest into this series anymore. I can't say that I feel the story will go anywhere either. Oddly enough, I do think it could have, given time. Given time, given more variation, Victor Gischler could be an ideal Deadpool writer.
This issue basically just continues from where #9 left off. Deadpool and Co. are being cornered by the three zombified Marvel characters, lead by Absorbing Man. They are also ambushed at the same time by agents of A.I.M., which proves to be quite fortuitious. Chasing down the easier option of fodder, the zombies pursue the soldiers and Deadpool tries to escape with his friends. Absorbing Man attempts to stop them, so Deadpool grabs this enormous rocket launcher thing from Dr. Veronica and tells them to clear out. He fires it into what appears to be the support of a building, the Chrysler building.
It collapses on him as Deadpool runs boyishly away. I thought that was kind of a funny, Deadpool-esque element. That's what we have to settle for nowadays, I guess.
Anyway, the search continues for Headpool's headless body so everyone can then go back to where they came from.
I suppose in and of itself it's not fair to call this issue shit. It's Marvel. I love Marvel to death, but their handling of Deadpool is abominable. Bringing me to the next point...
Deadpool #22.
Not only has Deadpool already done the wannabe hero thing, but he's already done it better than Daniel Way is trying to do it.
His tiny encounter with Spider-Man showed promise. Daniel Way, allergic to this it seems, has completely regressed and had Deadpool end up fighting a hillbilly family. One of which is called White Lightnin'.
I...I don't know.
Until a more steady, lengthy arc of quality can be said to exist, I don't recommend this series.
Thor #609.
The New Avengers #64.
Thor #609 and The New Avengers #64 are getting a dual review because, though good, they sort of just detail the Siege of Asgard in what appears to be a manner that's unnecessary. I mean, I get that the main battle is saved for Siege's main four-parter, but they could've at least made the tie-ins as grand.
We're treated to Loki getting throughly exiled from Asgard in Thor #609, which made be respect King Balder a great deal more. Loki is never down or out, though. Whatever his end game is, I'm sure it's brilliant. Definitely the most improved villain in Marvel. He's just so goddamn sneaky, it's almost like violence-less viciousness.
Thor wasn't even in the issue, which bugged me.
The New Avengers #64 gives us some more alternate views of the Battle of Asgard. Most of it centres around Asgard being destroyed by The Sentry and how everyone reacts to this. Mockingbird is revealed to be alive under the rubble, shocker there. There is an intriguing turn when Loki takes away the power of the Norn stones from The Hood and his villains, however. The Hood and Madame Hydra escape and go on the run, powerless. He's really scared that when this is all settled, they'll be thrown in jail for life, to which Madame Hydra insists he has something that they'll never suspect or see coming.
I'm gonna let The New Avengers and Bendis get away with being a bit filler-y right now. This was, sadly, the final numbered issue of The New Avengers first volume. A series I have read and loved since 2005, save for The New Avengers: Finale next month, is coming to an end. I've followed it through Civil War, Secret Invasion and Dark Reign. It has been a terrific series and I can't really fault it for having a couple of issues that are dry.
I'm going to miss it. Thor is being written, post-Siege, by Matt Fraction. This pleases me! He writes a MEAN Thor and his current run on Iron Man is to Iron Man what Frank Miller was to Daredevil.
X=Men Legacy #235 (Second Coming: Chapter 4).
What an opening, and it picks up RIGHT where the previous chapter left off.
Cameron Hodge has sliced off part of Karma's leg foot and is about to deliver a killing blow when Cannonball rams him clear of her. The X-Men are shown bombing along a highway in pursuit of Cable and Hope, but they are swiftly ambushed. Ariel is killed in the blast and Wolverine is charred beyond belief, but still fine.
The other battle continues, but the New Mutants appear to be getting ever more overwhelmed. Cypher, in desperation, makes Warlock break his promise to never kill. He uses his alien ability to take over the body of a Purifier drone and fights Hodge with it.
The fight doesn't last long and it ends with him completely ripping Hodge's bio-organic head from his body.
Cable and Hope are holed up in a remote place in the desert, assured that while they are safe, they don't have long. This leads to an outside shot of their hiding spot being surrounded by Purifier soldiers. Luckily, the X-Men show up in time to finally taken them out and get Hope into their custody. The plan is for one Rogue to absorb powers from each of the X-Men and, with Nightcrawler, get Hope back to Utopia.
With Bastion tracking Cable, or at least the virus in Cable's cyborg arm, Cyclops thinks that they will be diverted to them as opposed to Hope. They take a moment to prepare themselves for the incoming enemies as Hope, Nightcrawler and Rogue take off.
I am really, really loving this story. As I was discussing with Andrew of Gosh! Comics, it's SO focused. It knows exactly where it's going and how to get there, despite having no main series and different writers on each tie-in. The next chapter was a week away...but I got them together due to the delay.
X-Force #26 (Second Coming: Chapter 5).
This is where shit gets mega serious.
With the New Mutants rushing back to Utopia in hopes of stopping Karma from bleeding to death and the X-Men and Cable ready to do major battle with Bastion's warriors, a lot was poised to happen. An incredibly exciting issue with a very tragic end (AND IT'S ONLY CHAPTER 5!).
Bastion is informed of Cable being stationary and recommends that they go after him and the girl immediately. Bastion, however, has other ideas. Sinister ideas, indeed.
Hope, Nightcrawler and Rogue continue their escape across the country. Nightcrawler cannot teleport continually, with two guests, without being extremely drained. As a result, they pause for a rest in an alleyway. Just as they are about to make their last few teleports, a gigantic flash of light appears. Rogue immediately orders Hope to get behind her as she summons all the powers loaned from her X-Men friends.
It's Bastian, or at least an extremely lethal representation of him. Rogue viciously attacks him, but he emotionlessly deals with her repeated attempts by knocking her unconscious. He approaches Hope and tells her that she must be destroyed on account of what he has seen her become in the future. Right at that point, Nightcrawler leaps into the way and receives a punch through his torso for his troubles. I was suspecting he'd be the one to go, if any, but it was still sad to see a character so likeable meet such a violent end. The tone and the execution of this death scene was amazingly well done.
Considering how many deaths are occuring right now, it was stand-out. Perfect.
He uses his remaining strength to teleport himself and Hope to Utopia, destroying what is revealed to be a drone of Bastian's in the process. Upon arrival, Hope tries to keep him alive, but he tells her she is worth it and that he believes in her. With that, he takes his last breath.
Everyone on Utopia is filled with absolute grief, understandably. When Wolverine arrives, he is almost reduced to sobbing and tears. THAT is how you make a death scene count, you know? If you want to make ME care, make me see why I should. To see everyone else rocked by this is what added to it. It's a very powerful moment and really does drive home what's at stake for mutant kind, and what has been sacrificed to keep Hope alive, even if nobody knows WHY she's the Messiah yet.
Back at their base, Bastian and his crew reveal that they have more plans yet to put into action (Not surprising, it's a story 13 chapters long). One can only imagine what those are.
I must say, if you're not reading this...then you're missing out.
It's an absolutely MAGNIFICENT series, it truly is. It's such a focused story and it has such a grand sense of impending doom, but triumph in with it. This story really does make you feel like something serious and important is happening.
Yost does an amazing job with X-Force and this issue is no exception. I really, really like it. His ability to characterise each character uniquely is making me want to go back and read the rest of the X-Force issues now. Maybe I'll even get the trades. The art is VERY good also, but then again, Mike Choi is a pimp like that. It's not terribly unique, but it's VERY detailed. The man knows details.
I also picked up the X-Factor tie-in, but it doesn't seem to be too relevant so I'm gonna save myself some time. If it becomes relevant, I'll fill you in later.
Seriously, guys. Second Coming is the shit right now, get onto it!
That's about all I've got right now.
Stay tuned for the continuation of Daredevil Month on Sunday AND...a VERY special post tomorrow. Not an interview or anything, but something VERY exciting pertaining to comics.
Thank you ALL for reading. Comment, tell your friends and eat your vegetables.
Until next time, peace.
-The Mast.
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