I'm back from vacation, but I have a rotten chest cold. Health problems seem to wanna punish and follow me! Regardless, I'm 60-70% sure I'll have Thursday's Comics tomorrow. Daredevil Month begins on Saturday, so be sure to check that.
For now, I bring you a quick update that made me salivate.
Remember all the blacked-out teasers for Marvel's upcoming Secret Avengers series, written by Ed Brubaker and drawn by Mike Deodato? Do ya? DO YA?! Well, two members were revealed today.
One was this guy:
Beast. He was an expected edition, but I still think people expected someone else. I've always been indifferent to him, so I will just wait to see how it pans out.
The second revelation is what got my geek-hairs standing up. Check it:
War Machine, baby! Oh yes!
I hoped they'd put Rhodey on SOME variation of Avengers, and they did! This is DEFINITELY a series you will NOT WANT TO MISS! May 2010! Pick this stuff up!
I should see you lovely folks tomorrow.
Until then, peace.
-The Mast
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