I realised today that it's finally 2010 and almost February. That means there are only three months worth of time until May. What's in May? Only my most anticipated movie of the ENTIRE YEAR, Iron Man 2! Idiots. Why would you forget that?
I wish I could time travel to that month, but the build up will be so worth it. If you HAVEN'T seen the trailer, what's wrong with you? Go to Marvel's YouTube channel right now and watch it.
I'm holding all of you to The S.N.M.I. (Smash New Moon Initiative), by the way. Go see Iron Man 2 on the day it comes out, more than once if possible. Let's break the opening day record of New Moon.
Come on, who can seriously say New Moon deserves the record over this:
How are you watching that without being hyped up to the sky? You should be.
Anyway, onto the main post.
I was wracking my brain for ideas of something to fill the gaps between the last edition of Thursday's Comics and the next one. I wasn't really fond of doing ANOTHER music review, so I decided I'd do something that occured to me when someone pointed out to me was that I don't really review many other comics than Marvel.
Thus I will use this stop-gap entry before I post the aforementioned idea tomorrow.
Regarding Marvel Vs DC, or any company for that matter, let me clarify the reason behind the bulk of my reviews being Marvel so, if I ever get notoriety, I'm not seen as a DC/Image/Wildstorm/Dark Horse hater or anything. That's not the case.
I've always preferred the real world-based Marvel comics, and the characters just appeal to me more. It literally goes no further than this. I love Batman's mythos, Superman's mythos and the concept of a few others, but I've just never really enjoyed DC Comics on a regular basis, and the same applies to other companies.
I love Haunt, I really like a lot of the old Spawn stuff, I definitely enjoy Hellboy from time to time, too. It just happens that my main source of enjoyment comes from Marvel. There are independent writers I love; Alan Moore, Daniel Clowes, Frank Miller, Neil Gaiman at times and many others. It's just that most of the stuff I like from them happens to be self-contained stories that are not on-goings, so I can't review them.
Needless to say, I will try to offer up some variation wherever I feel possible. I'm not a regular DC reader, but there is lots I enjoy, so here's what I'm gonna do. Over the coming months I am going to offer up reviews on the storylines in DC that I have enjoyed the most, and then you can all suck it.
The first will be up tomorrow, but this was just a simple post to say that I acknowledge what some could call a lack of variation, and I have been wanting to balance it out ANYWAY. So, everyone wins. Stay tuned and join me! PLEASE!
I'm joking, but really, join me.
Until tomorrow, peace.
-The Mast
I've not seen Iron Man, but I did heartily enjoy New Moon. If Iron Man 2 were to claim the record, Eclipse could even re-claim it.
I do wish, however, that the record would belong to something more substantial, such as The Dark Knight, or Lord of the Rings.
You've made a powerful enemy today, A-Dizzle.
The S.N.M.I. don't cotton to ya if ya like dat Twilight.
-The Mast
Twilight may not be Shakespeare, but it's a beautiful story. *sob*
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