Do you like how I randomly choose phrases and words with which to open my posts now? I do.
This is just another small update designed to gush about an aspect of comics I had not fallen victim to...until now!
Variants, for those watching at home, are alternate versions of comic covers. If a comic has variants, that means it has a couple of different covers for the same issue. Some become very sought after collector's items, some become just cool versions to pick up. Regardless, I'd never been into it. Deadpool comics often have various variants, but I'm only really about the appearances as opposed to variants. Unless it's stellar, I will avoid it. Of course, the one time I wanted Hulk #14's stupidly rare Deadpool variant, what happens? It's impossible to get. Bastards!
This brings me to something awesome! Courtesy of Newsarama, I bring you some variants being released in February! Not just any variants, oh no, but variants that feature Deadpool! Deadpool isn't even in any of these comics, which makes it hilarious. The variants are for: Iron Man #25, Dark Avengers #14, Daredevil #505 and - my personal favourite - Fantastic Four #576 respectively.
I...LOVE that Fantastic Four cover. If it's not too expensive, I'm going to have to hunt that one down. I also like the Daredevil one. Not only does it use the original image from Daredevil #187, but it features Deadpool in the variant. The Fantastic Four one definitely wins, though.
Normally I hate posting covers without all the proper text overlay, but until the comics are released, you can't find those images anywhere. The only reason the Iron Man one is there is because they don't have traditional text overlay on those issues right now.
Oh well.
I figured I'd share these little beauties with all of you adorable flesh-creatures before tomorrow; the first edition of Thursday's Comics for 2010! Most importantly, it's the release of Siege #1!
You probably won't want to miss it.
Until then, peace!
-The Mast
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