Sunday, 18 July 2010

The Mast Blogs: The Future of Welcome to the Mast.

Somebody's poisoned the waterhole!

I want to keep this very tight and to the point, so I'll be as clear and precise as possible.

I am HIGHLY considering transfering my blog and all its posts to an actual domain. A domain I will be paying for. This will afford me the opportunity to track my readers, observe the traffic I'm getting, and hopefully get some search engine recognition. In a direct sense, it'll also allow me to properly and fully customise my page.

Now, don't get me wrong, I do love this page. It IS just Blogspot, though. There are people who probably have the same layout as I, so I'd really love one that's MINE. I've already got big ideas, so we'll see.

The point is, I don't want to do through this for nothing. Currently, I don't know how many viewers I get on average. I know a few certain folks who read it, but I really do not know if I'm getting the kind of readership that would warrant me changing. I do this because I love it, but at the same time I want to know if it's being seen or even liked.

What do those of you who read this blog actually think? Thoughts and replies in a comment, please. Also, if you like my blog, tell someone. Tell someone who might be interested even if you're not.

Anyway, thanks for reading.

Until next time, peace.

-The Mast


Mr A. P. Salmond, esq. said...

Well, I can understand your wanting to have greater control over the site, but I would say that you can customize the hell out of Blogspot these days. You can certainly set it up so that Google Analytics will give you all the stats you're after. Plus you can have domain name forwarding so that you can have a Blogspot blog with your registered domain. Takes a bit of faffing about to set up, but no more so than setting something up from scratch.

On the other hand, changing to Wordpress or the like is one of those things that people who have done it never seem to regret. And, depending on what your ideas are, perhaps starting from scratch rather than a Blogspot template might be best.

Scowen85 said...

I think the comment above is spot on, you can do changes with Blogger and I'm sure it isn't to much work, haven't not used since a brief spell in early 09 I couldn't tell you.

However Wordpress allows you to control everything pixel of your site in a nice, easy to manage system.

As above you won't find many people who make the jump and regret it.

As you say know you do this for fun, so perhaps really you need to think of your readers, can their experience be improved by moving to Wordpress?

Having good user experience is always key online.