Tuesday, 16 March 2010

The Mast Blogs: A Little Treat from Our Favourite Merc's Fanbase.

Ha, ha, haaa! Loins.

I just wanted to update with a quick something before this week's mega edition of Thursday's Comics.

I was going to do a more lengthy post, but due to health issues I don't really feel entirely up to sitting at my comp for too long today.

To spare a minute and 28 seconds of your time to check out the following link would be time well spent.

A Fan-Made Deadpool Trailer.

Someone made this in honour of a Deadpool movie being in the works. I must say, considering the lack of suitable Ryan Reynolds footage, this is really enjoyable! My only complaints would be the Nickelback and the heroic vibe going on. Aside from that, it's pretty fun.

I would definitely have had Deadpool present his OWN trailer (See the GENIUS teaser trailer for Toys to get an idea. Yes, the Robin Williams one. Don't hate because that movie is the mad note), but it's pretty good! Props to the guy making this.

Though it doesn't QUITE live up to the AMAZINGLY well done and epic Green Lantern Fan-Made Trailer, it's pretty good. Seriously, if you haven't seen the Green Lantern one, do so. What's sad is that Nathan Fillion didn't get the part, and that the movie won't be half as good as that trailer looks, probably.

Anyway, that's all I've got for you right now!

Check back for Thursday's Comics, don't forget to comment, you bums! None of you comment! You DON'T have to own a Blogspot account to comment, just saying!

Until then, peace.

-The Mast


Unknown said...

hey, found this blog through onrpg, and i gotta say i'm pretty addicted to it haha. its one of the few blogs i always keep up with, and i honestly don't even read comics o.o but deadpool's my fave so anything about him i like. keep up the good work!

The Mast said...

Well, thank you very much, Matt! It's always nice to see a comment and even one that contains compliments!

I do this because I love to, but if nobody reads it then I guess it's fruitless. So, thanks for letting me know people are out there! I wish I knew who you were, but I can't place the name, haha.

Thanks again!

-The Mast